Sunday, April 29, 2012

The winds of change

Well it has been a little bit hasn't it? How are things you ask, well much better! I can feel it and see that things are finally better. I went to the gym three times this week! Right, I know
I can't believe it either, but it was awesome! I only did 18 minutes on Wednesday but yesterday and today I did the full 30 minutes :)

It has come to my attention that this weight loss thing works better when your bodies on motion, you're eating right, and your positive! I know none of this is "new" news but it's something I can finally grasp and realize. Also eating better and throughout the day doesn't mean you have to never eat the foods you like! I was trying so hard that I didn't see the big picture. TRYING and failing is better than never trying at all!!! So I am TRYING I am giving it my all. Starting with the best meal of the day...

As the month ends and nears my birthday I come the realization that in only 17 days I will be 26. Its not a huge number yes I know, but to me that number means more than just age it means that there is still so much I have not accomplished. Which in turn means its time to knuckle down and make things happen. I also have a goal to work towards...this amazing dress that I do fit into I just want it to fit a little better and feel that much better in because it will look better with a few pounds gone....

Here's to 26!