Monday, January 23, 2012

We fall and we get back up again

Well at least I did this weekend. When you're feeling like crap the last thing on your mind is exercise or eating right. Well this weekend I felt like hammered dog pooh! My ear was going crazy with whatever type of infection is ensuing in it now, my allergies were not being nice at all. Every time I woke up they went crazy! The allergies pills didn't help because they just made me tired and the alkazelser just tasted disgusting and didn't do much either. But I did however eat 3 times a day which I feel made a huge difference! On Saturday I did make some breakfast even though it was at like 11:46 so that was breakfast and lunch and for dinner my sister made chicken friend steak, mashed potatoes and corn. Probably not the best item for me to eat but it was amazing!

Chicken Fried Steak 17 total ww pts
The Breakfast I made Saturday 14 total ww pp

I started cooking when I woke up Saturday night and she was gone so I assumed they went out to dinner so I got an idea on how to use my left over queso and my remaining chicken cuts! I decided I was going to take them and mix them up and roll em up into a tortilla and it was an awesome idea! I took the last of my red potatoes and cut them up and cooked them on the stove and took my salsa and mixed it in with them and they were freaking awesome!!! She came home right as everything was done so I was able to save it for lunch on Sunday. I woke up and made breakfast Sunday as well and decided to eat my potatoes from the night before with it and it was soooo good. I saved the chicken for lunch and munched on that and then for dinner it was one of those Betty Crocker complete meal things.

Pizza Pasta Meal 9 ww pp
It was Pizza Pasta and we had salad and french bread to go with it. So I used 14 ww pp on breakfast again and then 4 pp for my chicken and an extra lets say 6 pp to be safe for the queso and 8 for 2 flour tortillas so 18 pp for my lunch. Which left me with 12 for dinner and that was only 9 because the salad is 0 points and the french bread was 3 pp so that hit my total 44 pp for the day! So I didn't do as bad as I thought. I didn't exercise but I will be doing that today with Jessica after work. The weight watchers really comes in handy!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Whats good about this situation ?....

Freaking everything is good about this situation!!! Holy cow how much stuff has changed since my last post in September. I think I have grown so much since then and I have tried to surround myself with positive people and it looks like it worked :) This is breakfast for me these days

Sooo the news, well its 2012 and things are shaping up, literally! I have done pretty okay so far on this Journey. I need to tweak a few items like making sure I go grocery shopping and buy enough food to last 2 weeks. I love to cook its just trying to figure out how to do it for one person and how to use the left overs is whats killing me at times, but when its something I really enjoy cooking or eating I will take it for lunch to work!

I am using a combo of Weight Watchers, working out, and trying to maybe throw some vegan style stuff in there as well.

I would like to eat a few meatless meals a week or maybe even just cut it out for as long as I can and see how I feel. I am also going to do The Vibrant Cleanse next week as well. I want to clean my body of all its toxins! It sounds harsh but I think I will feel so much better once it is done and I can replace those bad things with clean and fresh items!

I have a few awesome Friends who are dieting as well right now so I have allot of people I can turn to this time when I am feeling frustrated! Nothing by happy news on this end, well that is right now at least bwahahaha.

Courtney my go to for H.E.L.P

Jessica the Barbie to my Stacy :)

Kaylan my PIC!!!