Monday, March 12, 2012

Blah, blah, blah!

AHHHHHH! Ah okay much better. Sometimes you just have to let it out. The frustrations of day to day life aren't always horrible or excruciating but sometimes they're just ridiculous and obnoxious! Like this weight loss thing for instance. Last week I felt like crap ALL week! I had strep throat so I ate what I could get down. Soup, water, coffee because I couldn't sleep at all! Then it was on to easy stuff to cook because preparing things was just not the business. Salad and some Digiorno pizza one night and hamburger helper on another. Granted you can eat whatever you want you just can't eat the whole pizza. But to make a long story short I totally slacked! Didn't write anything down, didn't keep track, didn't even try. I was just BLAH!

Those are days I dread. I know exactly how I feel and it isn't something I can just shake off. But then again like I said I didn't even try. I tried to sleep as much as possible because that is what made me feel better and then I felt bad for sleeping all damn day. So on Friday I got home, cleaned the kitchen took some medicine, passed out at like 6:45 and slept till 11:00 and then I couldn't go to sleep and I decided to clean out my closet and went to bed around 6 am! Saturday I decided to get up and be productive so I clean the heck out of my apartment! Yesterday I did laundry and just relaxed. Still I feel like I haven't done enough. I don't know what it is but something in me is saying "Jeanette get up and get out! Make things happen, stop saying and start doing!" So after my blog yesterday about going with the punches and doing what needs to be done and making things happen today I got up and put my big girl panties on and have done everything I could to make today a good one!

My focuses have started to change as well as my outlook on certain things in my life. I am hoping these changes make me a nicer person lol, less "abrasive" lets say not necessarily nicer. I want to wake up happy and start the day off in a good mood much more than I do now. I want to stay true to my word better. If I say I am going to work out I need to do it. If I say its laundry time then it needs to be done and hung up. Just simple everyday things in every ones lives that I just hate to do or am too lazy to finish. Maybe its the fact that I am going to be 26 in like 10 weeks and things are finally starting to hit me who knows but something has finally got to give. It feels like it will be hard but the more I do it the easier it will get I think, or at least hope haha!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Whatever's Clever

Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. This will not be long and drawn out. This is direct and to the point. If you can't beat em join em. Those who cant do teach. Me, I try to roll with the punches and make the best of a bad situation. Lately all of my situations have seemed horrible, why because I just sort of gave up and stopped caring. What happens when you do that? You feel like shit, and that is something I am sick of feeling like. So from here on out I am going to do my best at making everyday the best it can be and the best I can be.

Friday, March 9, 2012


So even though this is something I have known in the back of my head I never really grasped it until the other day...bitching doesn't solve anything! It is nice to bitch and moan about things that happen to us or things that go wrong but what does it do? Not a damn thing. I am not saying that if your cable goes out and you call the company and gripe that it won't be turned on but if you call and report the problem civilly then it still gets turned on doesn't it? I guess my point is that no matter how much we complain about things not going our way it doesn't help the situation. What do you solve by yelling, crying, and cursing??? Nothing we just get red eyes, sound uneducated, and like a bunch of babies. I am speaking from my own experience. What does crying solve, nothing if I spend too much money its no one else's fault but my own. If I don't have insurance its my bad. If I don't let the dogs out and they pee on my carpet my fault. Spending 15 minutes complaining doesn't get the pee off my rug. Me taking the ten minutes in the morning to let them out however does. I don't know why I am just realizing it but I am glad I have. It is something I plan on working on it and doing more of the things to keep me from complaining. We will see how it goes ;-)