Thursday, June 30, 2011

Whats the worst that could happen....

Ever find yourself saying that?

I do all the time! But the way I look at it is if you never try it how do you know its not worth the outcome.

So its day 3 of this blogging thing and I have already went back on my word. I didn't get to work out yesterday or Wednesday. I got off late both nights. I guess that is where it is my responsibility to make sure I work out either in the morning or after work. Getting motivated is the kicker.

This is a photo of me from when I started working out while I lived in Azle from 2009-2010. Before coming out to Euless and takeing a nose dive and it is my first goal to meet. Get down to 245 lbs again and then continue with attanable goals.

I was extremely happen at this point in my life. But it is time to be happy inside and out. Today's goal is an hour of cardio and 30 minutes of weight training after work. It helps me to make a goal daily instead of one that is far fetched and will only happen 23 yrs from now. So for right now its daily goals to help meet the final objective.

I am also using my fitness pal, it is an amazing website. It tracks calories and workout activity and you can get it on your smart phone. It helps me allot with meals and keeping myself in line. It is nice to look at what you've accomplished on a day to day basis.

Check it out

I also have made myself a little diary to keep with me when I start to feel volnurable. When I feel like giving up, I just start to write it all down, it helps allot as well.

It also helps to have a workout buddy. A friend of mine is working out with me and it helps keep me focused and on track. I also have a ton of workout dvd's just in case I can't make it to the gym I am still getting a workout. You would be suprised how much a photo of you at your biggest on the frige helps to motivate you to grab the water instead of the Coke and get to some yoga or pilates.

I don't mean to sound harsh but being over weight I have seen it and done it. You see the thin girl and want to "hate" her well I hate to break it to you but she probably busts her ass to stay in shape who are we to criticise her for doing what she needs to do to stay in shape. I always felt horrible after stairing them down and loathing them for the amazing body but truth is they worked for it just like I need to work for mine.

Each week I am going to have my "weigh in" I think seeing it in black and white will help me focus as well. I can't wait to see the changes.

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